Active Directory authentication

To enable Active Directory authentication, please set the $authenticateAgainst variable to “ACTIVE_DIR” in $CONFIG/ and in $CONFIG/

// Authentication type: MYSQL, ACTIVE_DIR or LDAP
$authenticateAgainst = "ACTIVE_DIR";

Then, copy $SAMPLES/ to $CONFIG/ and edit it.

// This file is part of the Huygens Remote Manager
// Copyright and license notice: see license.txt

// See for
// detailed help on configuring adLdap.

// The account suffix for your domain
$ACCOUNT_SUFFIX = "@mydomain.local";

// The base dn for your domain
$BASE_DN = "DC=mydomain,DC=local";

// Array of domain controllers. Specifiy multiple controllers if you would
// like the class to balance the LDAP queries amongst multiple servers
$DOMAIN_CONTROLLERS = array ("dc01.mydomain.local");

// Domain controller port
$AD_PORT = 389;

// User name suffix

// User name suffix matching string

// User name suffix replacing string

// Optional account with higher privileges for searching (otherwise
// leave it to NULL). This should be set to a domain admin account (only
// read operations are performed!)

// Tweak to get the real primary group from Active Directory. It works if
// the user's primary group is domain users.

// Use SSL (LDAPS)
$USE_SSL = false;

// Use TLS: if you wish to use TLS you should ensure that $USE_SSL is
// set to false and vice-versa
$USE_TLS = false;

// When querying group memberships, do it recursively

// Users usually belong to several groups. GROUP_INDEX defines
// which level of the hierarchy to consider (starts by 0). This
// obviously assumes that the sequence of groups memberships is
// constant among users. Set $GROUP_INDEX to -1 to get an array
// with all groups for the user. Please notice that this can also
// be used in combination with the next parameter.

// If there is no way to get the desired group by using $GROUP_INDEX,
// this is an additional little trick. For this to work, $GROUP_INDEX
// MUST be set to -1, and the following array must contain the list of
// valid groups to be considered. This way, for each user the complete
// list of groups will be returned from the Active Directory, and of
// those, the one that is contained in the following array will be picked.
// If more than one matching group is found, the first will be taken. If
// no match is found, all groups will be returned.
// Fill the array as follows: $VALID_GROUPS = array( "group1", "group2" )
// with as many groups as you need.
$VALID_GROUPS = array( );

Special case: Active Directory forests

In most installations, the variables $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX, $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX_REPLACE_MATCH and $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX_REPLACE_STRING can be left unchanged (i.e. ""). These are meant for the case where HRM users belong to different Active Directory subdomains, e.g.

and they log in to the HRM using:


Consider following example:

$BASE_DN = "DC=A, DC=B, DC=C";
$DOMAIN_CONTROLLERS = array("prefix.A.B.C");