Install the hrmd daemon

Use the $HRM_BIN/hrmd daemon in Ubuntu Linux to start the queue manager. The configuration file for the hrmd daemon is /etc/hrm.conf (see Edit hrm.conf)

Install the init script

To start the queue manager at boot, copy $HRM_BIN/hrmd to /etc/init.d/. Make sure it is executable by typing in a shell:

sudo cp -v $HRM_BIN/hrmd /etc/init.d/hrmd
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/hrmd

Start / stop the daemon at boot / shutdown

ubuntu Ubuntu: To set up the appropriate run-level links for starting and stopping the daemon during boot and shutdown, use this command:

sudo update-rc.d hrmd defaults

This will configure your system to run the init script in the default run-levels. Please note that issuing this command does NOT actually start the daemon until the next reboot. To start it right now follow the steps in the section below.

fedora Fedora: Coming soon.

Start manually

Make sure to set the proper value of SUSER in /etc/hrm.conf (see Edit hrm.conf).

Start a shell and type:

sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd start

If the queue manager started correctly, you should see:

Reporting to /var/log/hrm/log.txt /var/log/hrm/error_log.txt
Starting HRM daemon...................ok

The queue manager can be started, stopped and restarted by using:

sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd start
sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd stop
sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd restart