
This page lists some conventions and notations used in this documentation.

Operating systems

We will use visual shortcuts to refer to the operating system families supported by the HRM, as in the following table:

Icon Corresponding operating system family
fedora Fedora, CentOS, RHEL
ubuntu Ubuntu and derivatives


Support for macosx Mac OS X was dropped in HRM version 3.1.


Variable Description (Example) value
$ROOT Web server document root /var/www/html
$HRM_HOME HRM root (home) folder $ROOT/hrm
$CONFIG HRM configuration folder $HRM_HOME/config
$SAMPLES HRM configuration samples folder $HRM_HOME/config/samples
$RESOURCES HRM resources folder $HRM_HOME/resources
$SETUP HRM setup folder $HRM_HOME/setup
$BIN HRM binary folder $HRM_HOME/bin
$USER HRM customization folder $HRM_HOME/user
$HRM_DATA HRM data folder /data/hrm_data


Please notice that $ROOT is /var/www/html in fedora and in ubuntu as of version 14.04 LTS. In earlier versions of ubuntu, however, $ROOT used to be /var/www.