Update the configuration files (previous versions)


These instructions refer to older versions of HRM!

3.1 to 3.2

As of version 3.2 of HRM, the system users running the Queue Manager and the web server are expected to have direct read-write access to the data folders. If this is not the case for your setup and you rely on adding the web server user to /etc/sudoers, please notice that this behavior is deprecated in 3.2 but can still be enabled by adding:


in hrm_{server|client}_config.inc. The variable $change_ownership defaults to false if not explicitly set to true in the configuration, in compliance to the new behavior.


As of HRM 3.3, this variable will be ignored and the new behavior will be enforced!

3.0.x to 3.1

No changes in the configuration files.

2.1.x to 3.0

From HRM 2.1.x to HRM 3.0, one variable was added in the configuration files.


1.2.x to 2.0

From HRM 1.2.x to HRM 2.0, three variables were added in the configuration files:

[+] max_upload_limit
[+] max_post_limit
[+] email_list_separator

Moreover, three variables were removed:

[-] resultImagesOwnedByUser
[-] resultImagesRenamed
[-] enable_code_for_huygens


If you are upgrading straight from HRM 1.2.x, please notice that as of HRM 2.0 configuration and sample files were moved as per following table.

Config files (new) Sample files (new) Config files (1.x) Sample files (1.x)
$HRM_HOME/config $HRM_HOME/config/samples $HRM_HOME/inc $HRM_HOME/resources