Install the HRM

… From an Archive

Download or checkout the HRM as explained here.

Unpack the downloaded archive to web server document root directory. This is the directory where Apache2 finds the html and php files to serve.

ubuntu up to 13.10

sudo unzip -d /var/www

fedora and ubuntu 14.04 LTS and later

sudo unzip -d /var/www/html

where x.y.z is a placeholder for the HRM version.


You can of course extract or clone the HRM somewhere else: just add the location to the Apache2 configuration (httpd.conf).

… Using Git

The advantage of using git is that later upgrades are easy to perform, and all the modifications are documented this way. You need to install git on the machine.

sudo apt-get install git

Then you can change directory to the hrm document root and check out the git repository.

git clone
git tag -l

In this project tags are used to mark the different version in the master branch. the last command (see above) gives you a list of all the available versions of the HRM. Usually you can checkout the highest version numbers, except if there are certain compatibility issues.

git checkout <tag>

Once the latest release is checked out, you might want to create a local branch before starting to configure the HRM. Per default the $HRM_HOME/config is in the .gitignore file, so if you want to put your configurations under version control you have to modify the .gitignore first.

git checkout -b deployed (optional)