
These instructions always explain the steps required to upgrade from last stable release to current stable release. However, each section also provides links to instructions for older versions.

Version upgrade

If you have upgraded the HRM in the past, you will know that some steps must be performed in addition to replacing the old HRM code with the new one: some entries might have been added or changed in the configuration files (hrm_{server|client}, and the database structure might have been changed.

Stop the Queue Manager

Significant parts of the configuration as well as the database are usually changed during an upgrade, so the Queue Manager needs to be stopped first.

Shut down the Queue Manager with:

sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd stop

if you are using System-V or upstart, or with:

sudo systemctl stop hrmd.service

if you are using systemd.

In some rare situations, the Queue Manager might get stuck. To ensure the stop command did work properly, run the following check.

On System-V or upstart:

sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd status

On systemd:

sudo systemctl status hrmd.service

Alternatively, you can use:

ps aux | grep -i [r]unHuygens

that should return empty (nothing).

Download and extract the new HRM release

To install the new HRM version you need to download the .zip file from the website or github as explained in downloading the standard archive.


Please do not extract the new archive on top of the previous HRM installation! See details below.

Clean up previous installations

Because of changes in tre structure of the code and of the external dependences (starting from version 3.4), we highly recommend not to extract the new archive on top of the old one.

Please rename the old hrm folder, extract the code into a fresh ${HRM_ROOT} and move the configuration files from the old config subfolder into the new ${HRM_ROOT}/config.

You might also want to reinstall the hrmd or hrmd.service scripts.


Please follow these instructions first if you are upgrading from older versions.

Update the configuration files

There were no configuration changes between versions 3.6.x and 3.7.x of HRM.

Check the configuration files

An easy way to check for modifications is by running the $HRM_HOME/resources/checkConfig.php script. From the shell, run:

php resources/checkConfig.php config/
php resources/checkConfig.php config/

There were no configuration changes between versions 3.6.x and 3.7 of HRM. The output of the checkConfig.php script should be:

Checking against HRM v3.7.
Check completed successfully! Your configuration file is valid!

Please make sure to fix all problems you might have! The sample files and the Manual installation instructions will help you set the correct parameters.


Please follow these instructions first if you are upgrading from older versions.

Update the database

Newer versions of the HRM might use slightly different/updated versions of the database back-end than previous ones.

HRM version Database version
3.7 18
3.6 17
3.5 16
3.4 15
3.3 14
3.2 13
3.1 12
3.0.3 11
3.0 10
2.1 9
2.0 8
1.2.3 7

For this reason, the first time you run the HRM after an update you will be told that the database must be updated and that you are not allowed to continue until this has been done!


Database updates are supported across HRM versions, i.e. it is possible to upgrade the database from revision 7 to 18 in one step.

The following describes two possible ways to update the database.


Although we test this procedure quite carefully, it is highly recommended to backup the database before updating!

Updating from the web interface

Login to the HRM as the admin user: you will be brought directly to the Database update page. Click on the update button. If everything works properly (as it should…), the following message should be displayed.

Needed database revision for HRM v3.7 is number 18.
Current database revision is number 17.

Database successfully updated to revision 18.

The database is now at the latest revision.

Updating from the console

Alternatively, the database can be updated from the console (see create or update database). Please pay attention to what the update process will report! The output should be the same as the one listed in the previous section, but if the update fails, you might want to report it.

Re-start the Queue Manager

After processing the described upgrade steps, the Queue Manager needs to be started again, with:

sudo /etc/init.d/hrmd start

if you are using System-V or upstart, or with:

sudo systemctl start hrmd.service

if you are using systemd.

Upgrade from previous releases

The following pages are linked to from the relevant sections above, but are listed here again for convenience.