Active Directory authentication

To enable Active Directory authentication, please add “active_dir” to the $authenticateAgainst array in $HRM_CONFIG/ and in $HRM_CONFIG/

$authenticateAgainst = array("active_dir");

Then, copy $HRM_SAMPLES/ to $HRM_CONFIG/ and edit it.

// This file is part of the Huygens Remote Manager
// Copyright and license notice: see license.txt

// See for
// detailed help on configuring adLdap.

// The account suffix for your domain
$ACCOUNT_SUFFIX = "@mydomain.local";

// The base dn for your domain
$BASE_DN = "DC=mydomain,DC=local";

// Array of domain controllers. Specifiy multiple controllers if you would
// like the class to balance the LDAP queries amongst multiple servers
$DOMAIN_CONTROLLERS = array ("dc01.mydomain.local");

// Domain controller port
$AD_PORT = 389;

// User name suffix

// User name suffix matching string

// User name suffix replacing string

// Optional account with higher privileges for searching (otherwise
// leave it to NULL). This should be set to a domain admin account (only
// read operations are performed!)

// Tweak to get the real primary group from Active Directory. It works if
// the user's primary group is domain users.

// Use SSL (LDAPS)
$USE_SSL = false;

// Use TLS: if you wish to use TLS you should ensure that $USE_SSL is
// set to false and vice-versa
$USE_TLS = false;

// When querying group memberships, do it recursively

// Group filtering and authorization.
// Users in Active Directory usually belong to several groups. Many of those groups
// will not be relevant for the administrator of the HRM (groups like 'Domain Users',
// 'Building 12', 'Staff') and the important ones, like the research group, are hidden
// somewhere in this list.
// The $VALID_GROUPS array can be used to specify only those groups that are interesting
// for the HRM and that will be used as the user group in the HRM and will show up in the
// usage statistics. For example, only the research groups at the institution might be
// included in this list.
// Additionally, not all research groups might be allowed to use the HRM. The
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS array can be used to specify those groups that are allowed to use
// the HRM.
// Please notice that $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS must not strictly be a subset of $VALID_GROUPS.
// Example 1
// =========
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = array('group_einstein', 'group_bohr');
// $VALID_GROUPS = array('group_einstein', 'group_bohr');
// User 'john' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 12', 'Staff', 'group_einstein'}
// 'john' is allowed to log in and the group used in HRM is 'group_einstein'.
// User 'stephanie' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 12', 'Staff', 'group_bohr'}
// 'stephanie' is allowed to log in and the group used in HRM is 'group_bohr'.
// User 'jeff' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 1', 'Admin Staff', 'group_admin'}
// 'jeff' is not allowed to log in ('group_admin' is not in $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS)'.
// Example 2
// =========
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = array('hrm');
// $VALID_GROUPS = array('group_einstein', 'group_bohr');
// User 'john' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 12', 'Staff', 'group_einstein', 'hrm'}
// 'john' is allowed to log in and the group used in HRM is 'group_einstein'.
// User 'stephanie' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 12', 'Staff', 'group_bohr'}
// 'stephanie' is not allowed to log in (she does not belong to group 'hrm').
// User 'jeff' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 1', ''Admin Staff', 'group_admin'}
// 'jeff' is not allowed to log in (she does not belong to group 'hrm').
// Example 3
// =========
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = array();
// $VALID_GROUPS = array('group_einstein', 'group_bohr');
// No restriction on which groups can log in to HRM. Group filtering works as in Examples 1
// and 2.
// Example 4
// =========
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = array();
// $VALID_GROUPS = array();
// If neither valid nor authorized groups are defined, all groups are allowed to log in and
// the first returned group will be used in HRM.
// User 'john' has groups {'Domain Users', 'Building 12', 'Staff', 'group_einstein', 'hrm'}
// john's group in HRM will be 'Domain Users'.
// Example 5
// =========
// $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = array(... any number of entries ...);
// $VALID_GROUPS = array();
// If $VALID_GROUPS is empty and $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS contains one or more entries,
// $VALID_GROUPS will be reset to be the same as $AUTHORIZED_GROUPS (the end behavior
// will be as in Example 1).

// Groups to use in HRM (filter)
$VALID_GROUPS = array();

// Groups authorized to log in to HRM.

Special case: Active Directory forests


For most installations, you can skip the entire rest of this section and proceed with the next one by simply leaving the variables $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX, $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX_REPLACE_MATCH and $AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX_REPLACE_STRING with their default values (empty, i.e. "").

This part of the config is meant for the special case of an Active Directory with multiple domains (commonly referred to as forest) which usually consist of a top-level domain (the forest root domain) and several sub-domains. If the HRM users belong to domains in all levels of the forest it would be required to enter the full domain name for logging in, which can become quite tedious (and therefore error-prone).

Consider the following domain setup, a root domain called SATURN with two sub-domains RHEA and TETHYS. Those “plain” domain names are usually referred to as NetBIOS Domain Names. A hierarchical representation could look like this:

  +-- RHEA
  +-- TETHYS

Now, assuming a top-level suffix of .private, in Microsoft’s Active Directory naming scheme this is translated into fully qualified domain names (FQDN’s) as follows. The root domain (SATURN) gets prefixed by ads. and followed by the top-level .private suffix, whereas the two subdomains just get postfixed by the FQDN of the root domain. The graphical representation from above would therefore translate into this:


To make authentication work in such a scenario, it is required to authenticate against the GLOBAL CATALOG of the Active Directory. This is an LDAP service provided only on the domain controllers of the root domain on the special port 3268. The usernames used to authenticate have to be of the form to provide the global catalog with the information to which sub-domain a certain account belongs as it is possible to have the same username for different accounts in different domains of a single domain forest.

Now given the HRM configuration option $ACCOUNT_SUFFIX would be set to .saturn.private, a user foo from the domain SATURN could log in using something like foo@ads whereas a user bar from RHEA would have to type This is obviously screaming for problems as normal users don’t understand where and why to put those weird suffixes, especially as they’ve never heard of something like ads before.

Using the sample config from below, users can simply log on by using their regular account name followed by an @ sign and the (short) NetBIOS domain name, e.g.




which is way easier to explain and remember for them, especially as the short domain names are usually visible for them when logging into their workstation.

$BASE_DN = "DC=ads, DC=saturn, DC=private";

// set this to a domain controller of the *ROOT* domain:

// the port is required to connect to the global catalog:
$AD_PORT = 3268;

// give the FQDN of the root domain with a leading dot here:
$AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX = ".ads.saturn.private";

// account names from the root domain will end up wrong, looking like this
// (note the leading "@" and the double occurence of the root domain):

// they have to be rewritten using the correct suffix instead (removing the
// first occurence of the root domain name):
$AD_USERNAME_SUFFIX_REPLACE_STRING = "@ads.saturn.private";

Please feel free to contact the HRM developers in case you need help setting up authentication in a multi-domain forest scenario!