Select images (1/5)

In step 1 - SelectImages22x22 Select Images - the user can add images for deconvolution. A batch of images with the same properties can be selected with Ctrl+click or Shift+click and added in one go.


Select the file format from the drop down widget and use DownArrow22x22 UpArrow22x22 to add images to the Selected images area.


The images of a batch must share the same microscopic parameters in order to obtain good deconvolution results because they will be restored with the same settings. This is generally true if the images are recorded with the same setup.

When an image is selected a preview is displayed on the right panel whenever possible. If not yet available, a button shows up GeneratePreviewLink to generate the preview on the fly.


Image previews also display the image dimensions, number of channels, and sampling sizes in the overlay.

By default no particular image format is preselected and HRM shows all images available in the user’s raw images folder. Select a file format to filter out images from other file extensions.